Jonathan Stern


$7 isn't good for much these days. Maybe a couple coffees. A pair of socks. Half of a sweetgreen salad...

And yet, if spent wisely, $7 can change your life. I was reminded of this yesterday upon encountering essayist Henrik Karlsson's three-part series about love.

I’ve read a lot of essays this year. And a lot of essays about love:

All superb. But Karlsson's essays are ever better. My concept of love - forever altered. All for $7/month.

Over the course of a human life, one typically spends thousands of dollars (sometimes millions!) on food and clothes and adventures and more. It's worth remembering that in the realm of ideas, the usual rules of cost and value do not apply. The simple act of picking up the right book/essay at the right time may be among the most significant things one ever does.