Jonathan Stern

Execution matters - more than ever

It's becoming fashionable on Twitter to argue that "the era of the idea guy" has arrived.

Without a doubt it’s easier than ever to build software. Going from idea to mvp to production usually takes days or weeks now -- not months. Plus, engineers are able to take on harder projects. So yes, the barriers to building have plummeted. As for the idea that execution is now worthless... I’m not convinced. In fact, I think the opposite is true.

Because of how easy it's become to spin up an app, I think we're on the precipice of an explosion of new products. Thousands of products -- previously detained in someone's head because they were too hard to build -- will now be built. As a result, it will be harder than ever to stand out. For every “great idea,” there will be 100 apps competing to win. Most ideas aren't patentable, and first to market doesn't always win. So what will matter most is not the idea but the ability to differentiate and distribute. Having a “great idea” is important. Execution matters even more.